Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Donation !

I'm going to start off by say HELLO now lets get down to business people are going to talk about me and people are going to say why should i give him money he need to get a job. No i don't have a job at this time because i am in portagul and on this island there not a lot of jobs here for me are other spouses so no im not working on a job but i am still work here at home and you can talk to the stay at home moms and they will tell you that being at home doing all the house work and taking care of kids is not ez (BIG UPS TO ALL THE STAY AT HOME MOMS) i no what its like now. The people that know me will tell you i worked my ass of when i was back state side and keep work beause i was a GO GETTER if you don't no what that mean it's when you stay on top of your work and alway have something to do none stop work. People say so what happen if you where such a GO GETTER well i from Mississippi and that's where i me and my wife met/got married, I had been staying there all my life so i new a lot of people and got a lot of work then me and my girlfriend/wife got married and she asked me if i would like to go overseas if she put in for it and at first i ways like man i got a lot of work here and she told me that we would just put back a lot of money and that way when 2013 got here i could start my business back up. That was something that i could do for my wife so i stop my business back home and overseas here we come, now we are here and i'm like man this is going to be hard not working and my wife can tell you i wanted to work but there where no job here for me.

Now here i am being a stay at home dad still to this day i wanted to be the one working but there was nothing i could do here, but id you no me i will find something to do no matter where i go so i got on the computer looking for thing to do to make money. There was a lot of people saying that they could help you make money online a lot of it was a lot of bull and if they could help you it was a loot of work which i didn't mine doing but if you read my blog you would no where i stand when it comes down to doing some of the money make websites it take a lot of reading. I knew that that would not work for me so off to find something that i could do i looked and looked and looked until i stop at this one thing that i knew this island didn't have and that was tasty treats some my wife came up whit the name TonyTastyTreats and you can see my website that i started TonyTastyTreats.com . At first i got no calls orders no nothing and i was like this is just not got to work so i prayed about it and about a week later i got a call and the customer wanted the chocolate caramel and pecan pretzels sticks right then i knew this was something i could to and if you read my CHEF UPDATES it will tell you all about what treats i have make here. Now we are having a baby and my wife is ready to get out after being in for 6 years so i've got to start back up and it's going to be hard in NJ because i no nothing about it. I have good ideas but i have no one to help me and we all know if you no somebady that no somebody then its a lot ezer to get help thanks for reading and have a good day,night,morning.

P.S So if you are asking why donation to me it's because i will all was work hard and you donation will not be played whit.

Tony Over&Out

Monday, August 8, 2011

1 Dollar Can Go A Long Way (DONATION)

hey whats up readers i no it's been a little bit but i stop because nobody was reading my blog so i stop writing but im back. Todays blog is going to be about somthing i have never every done i my life but i look in the mirror every morning a say to myself there is got to be a better way. I have alway put my all in to my work and it will always be that way so i no there is no bank thats going to give me the money i need to start doing something i love doing. Here i am asking people i do and don't no to help me get a business off the ground and not for just me it's also my family, people my say what is this guy doing asking people for money and why would i give im money. I no this is a crazy way to do this but if you look all around there are people asking for money all the time like wal mart,banks, restaurant,tv, and much more they may not be asking the way i am but they do get a lot of money from us when we eat are shop at there place of business. I going to try and build a website where you can donation and help me whit this new business all you need to do is click on the donation button and you name will be put up on the site so everyone that comes to my website will see that you where one of the people to hell get me started. Thanks you so much for coming by to check me out and i hope you have a nice day,night,week.

Tony Over&Out

Friday, July 29, 2011

Paper Work

Goodmorning readers today im going to talk about my new porject i have worked out and now im done, this is a one of a kind vase that i made useing recycled magazines this is the story on how it was done. I im here at Lajes AFB in portugal and on this island they are all about recycling because this island is so small they recycling just about every thing they can. I was looking for something to do that would be a big recycling porject that i could show the people on this island that they have never saw before so i got on the web and got some people to send me some magazines that where on the way to the recycling bin. I got them to my house and saw on youtube away i could roll them and i started rolling away, then whit some hotglue gun glued all the pieces together in a 3D way.

This vase was something i didn't no how to do but i can do a lot of things just give me the job and i can do it, after the vase i tried a recycled magazine bowl and im also going to show you that one this bowl was for my wwife job and i also made a pen holder for her office and would love to mmake more for people i may start a website selling them. It's going take some time because the vase took a month to do so here is my work.
(Thanks For Reading)

Tony Over&Out

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

And It Gose On

Hey readers Tony here just finding the time to write on my blog for the day. How are you doing to day me, im doing good just chilling here at home about to write lol. I got to work on a lot of houses and meet a lot of people helping them get there house back together they would always ask me how i got started because i was so young and alot of them didn't want me to work on there home because i was young but i showed my work and had my references on hand. This was what i was doing for about 2-3 years and then the work started goign down and i was getting just a few jobs here and there so now my money was getting low. I would get calls for job that i didn't have the tools are man power to do so i had to tell the people that i just could not do it and i hand some one on hand that could do it for them ans i would be able to make money form the job. All the jobs you see was all done by me so for you people that don't think i no anything i no a lot and you can see it for youself.

This is around the time i got my 16 ft. trailer and my 12 ft. inclosed trailer which helped me out alot. So i got a new call for a customer that i didn't no that would become my friend, i work and did a lot for from landscaping to woodwork to changing a lightbulb to taking her to the Dr. i had been working for her for about 2-3 years so lets just say i was happy to no i was working and i my own business thanks for reading and will be back on it in the morning until then check out some more pic..

Tony Over&Out

Monday, July 25, 2011


Goodmoring readers it's 9:11 a.m. here in portugal and sorry i wanted to write yesterday but i was having family time. Im having some coffee right now a boy is it good i stop at the hard pushing of the lawnmower well i just got better now here i was okay whit pushing all my yards. My cousin came to me one day and said i got a riding lawnmower i need you to keep for me and i asked him if i can buy it and he said no but you can use it if you get it fixed. I looked at it to see what

it needed and it was just a belt i was now riding and not pushing so now im getting more calls and doing more yards my business was growing this is what i always wanted. (Antonio's Lawn Service)I was around age 14 when i was thinking about it around 18-19 when i started it and all the way up until my wife put in for overseas and it all ended there in 1/20/2011. I also had started doing landscaping to so the name was antonio's lawn service, then tony's lown service, then tbs landscaping and home repairs. Yes i took up building trades in high school and afther i graduation i took it upon myself to do more and learn more so that i could be a builder one day.

You no i started off whit just a little bit of tools to work whit and every job i got i would take some of the money and go buy a new tool that i would need so it was all coming together. Right after hurricane katrina i made a lot of money repairing houses through a place call IRD and this was another time for me to help people that needed my help. Im going to stop right here and show some of my work pics.

Tony Over&Out

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Building Something

Goodmorning readers im up having coffee and blogging today i wont to start by say thanks to the ones that read what i write and not talk about me cuz remember it could have been you. I'm goign to talk about building and you may ask building what and i say building what ever i can building to make me stand out from all others. When i was about 12-13 years old i worked up a plan and that plan was to start my on business cutting yards but did't have the money to by anything to cut whit so i asked my mom if i could use her lawn mower and she let me use it so i would walk around a see who needed they yard cut. It was a lot of people that let me cut they yards and so of them didn't have to money for me to cut there yard but you no what i did it anyway for free and i aways had 3-4 free yards i would do a week just to help the people out cuz i no how hard times was for them. My mom also had hard times but you no what i love her so much for keeping food on the table and for taking good care of me and my sister if we wanted something my mom found a way to get it for us. Lets get back to me and my building so here i was helping others when they needed my help which i had no problem doing thats why i think i am where i am today ( helping others makes me feel goog inside). Got a little sorry adout helping there was these two boys that stayed right behide me that became good friends of mine they both disabled and where in wheel chairs. They could not help themselves so they mom had to do a lot for them so i ask her when she needed my help i would be there for her and boy did she need me it was a lot of work on her. The next day i was at her house helping her do whatever she need and i did it just about every other day you my ask where are you going whit this just keep reading lol. There was hope here was something i could do to help and i liked doing what she asked me to do because i knew take i would take a lot of the work of her and before we moved to a new house one of the bothers passed away o man i cried and cried because that had became my friend and now he will not be here i still miss him, about 6-7 years later the other brother pass away and i say to you these two boys could not help the way God made them but thats how life is i miss them both.  Now i have been helping and thinking one bay i would love to have my owne business doing lawns just one day it will happen for me.

 Moveing time has come for me and i didn't want to move because i knew that i had to make new friends and that was something i did't want to do. New house new people so now i im staying in a new hood and it was a little bit nicer then my other hood and i started to like it. One day i had the opportunity to start a small-small lawn business because now that i have been help other so one wanted to help me get started. First thing i would need way business cards so he told me to come by his business and  he could be my first yard Yeesss now i have my owne it was called Antonio's Lawn Serves. From there he mad my company cards and i started working and getting more and more people calling for my serves, by word of mouth it was all over noi was getting calls that i could not do because at the time i had no truck to get all my tools around. I had to ask my mom if i could use here van that she had and man was this good this van would fit everything i got to put in it. After weeks and weeks of pushing a push mower its was getting hard cuz the yards where getting bigger and i seen what it was like to work hard in life. This is where im going to stop and i will be back on it sunday.

                         Tony  Over & Out !

Friday, July 22, 2011

Going Back

What's up readers today is a new day and im still talk lol I told you i would try writing every day. Im going to go back to my elementray school days going to Art was one of my favoriet the other was PE and i also played football / basketball and had a lot of fun. elementry is where it started but no one really didn't pick on people there because we where all young back then so we will move on to middle school where i had my first real girl friend and this is where people started talking about the SP people like me.  I plaed in the band the drums and was kind of good and from there i started playing buckets in my back yard and my neighbours where like can you play buckets at like 10:00 a.m are something because i would get up at about 7:00 a.m and they didn't like to here me playing that time of the morning lol. My one neighbour ask me one day if i wanted to go to church whit him one day and i had to ask my mom back then she was okay whit it so i went on to church whit him and the hold time i was there i had my eye on the drumer and every time he took me my eye was on the drumer.  Then one day after church i work my way up to the front and from the front to the drums and he would be the one that lock up the church so i had time to play around befor everyone was all going so i played and played and played. About 3 weeks passed and one day the drumer could not make it and he asked me if i could play good i told him yes but i know i could play as good to play for the church so i ask God to get me through this and he did. After that day i started playing every 2nd sunday so you can say i showed myself how to play and to this day im still played. This is the end im about to go pick my wife up from work thanks for reading me 

                                                                                  Tony Over and Out

Thursday, July 21, 2011

One Day I Will

One day i will be able to say i can read good !   This all started when i was in 2nd grade i got held back and after that i don't no what happen to me and my reading. I strated 3rd grade in special education classes and 4th and 5th so on and so forth and all the way to high school where i didn't want to be in special classes because i knew that i would get talked about. Sure thing i got talked about by a lot of people but i didn't let that stop me so what i did is when thay would laugh i would laugh to just to make myself feel better. So then i started to hang out whit the cool guys at school good thing they staed in my neighbourshood that way i can make friends whit them and then we could hang at school. I'm going to stay i was the popular boy ( lol is what people would do if they heard that) and i started making more and more friends in high school i missed out on a lot there because i didn't want people to no i was in SP. I missed out on partys and a lot of other things that envolved me to read like college some where i would have love to had gone  but thats just the way life is me and the other SP kids didn't ask to be SP kids but thats how God made use and if you got a problem whit that then you can talk to God about it. To all the SP girls and boys you can do it and keep your head up do let people bring you down because of something you had nothing to do with why you are the way you are, when so one call you SP you just smile and keep going it's all good  " and for those of you that lol you should be helping  They,Them,and use by not talking and picking on use if you don't no how they feel because they don't talk about it im telling you know they don't like it "  It was hard doing this blog but this will be the way i can get things out that a lot of people don't now about me ( man i fill a little bit better and if you are reading this blog and asking youself if this guy can not read good i say to you the GOOGLE SEARCH BAR is a life saver thanks google and im going to stop right there for this day until next  time.      (stay tooned i will try writing every day)

                                                                               Tony  Singing Out