Thursday, July 21, 2011

One Day I Will

One day i will be able to say i can read good !   This all started when i was in 2nd grade i got held back and after that i don't no what happen to me and my reading. I strated 3rd grade in special education classes and 4th and 5th so on and so forth and all the way to high school where i didn't want to be in special classes because i knew that i would get talked about. Sure thing i got talked about by a lot of people but i didn't let that stop me so what i did is when thay would laugh i would laugh to just to make myself feel better. So then i started to hang out whit the cool guys at school good thing they staed in my neighbourshood that way i can make friends whit them and then we could hang at school. I'm going to stay i was the popular boy ( lol is what people would do if they heard that) and i started making more and more friends in high school i missed out on a lot there because i didn't want people to no i was in SP. I missed out on partys and a lot of other things that envolved me to read like college some where i would have love to had gone  but thats just the way life is me and the other SP kids didn't ask to be SP kids but thats how God made use and if you got a problem whit that then you can talk to God about it. To all the SP girls and boys you can do it and keep your head up do let people bring you down because of something you had nothing to do with why you are the way you are, when so one call you SP you just smile and keep going it's all good  " and for those of you that lol you should be helping  They,Them,and use by not talking and picking on use if you don't no how they feel because they don't talk about it im telling you know they don't like it "  It was hard doing this blog but this will be the way i can get things out that a lot of people don't now about me ( man i fill a little bit better and if you are reading this blog and asking youself if this guy can not read good i say to you the GOOGLE SEARCH BAR is a life saver thanks google and im going to stop right there for this day until next  time.      (stay tooned i will try writing every day)

                                                                               Tony  Singing Out


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