Friday, July 29, 2011

Paper Work

Goodmorning readers today im going to talk about my new porject i have worked out and now im done, this is a one of a kind vase that i made useing recycled magazines this is the story on how it was done. I im here at Lajes AFB in portugal and on this island they are all about recycling because this island is so small they recycling just about every thing they can. I was looking for something to do that would be a big recycling porject that i could show the people on this island that they have never saw before so i got on the web and got some people to send me some magazines that where on the way to the recycling bin. I got them to my house and saw on youtube away i could roll them and i started rolling away, then whit some hotglue gun glued all the pieces together in a 3D way.

This vase was something i didn't no how to do but i can do a lot of things just give me the job and i can do it, after the vase i tried a recycled magazine bowl and im also going to show you that one this bowl was for my wwife job and i also made a pen holder for her office and would love to mmake more for people i may start a website selling them. It's going take some time because the vase took a month to do so here is my work.
(Thanks For Reading)

Tony Over&Out

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