Monday, August 8, 2011

1 Dollar Can Go A Long Way (DONATION)

hey whats up readers i no it's been a little bit but i stop because nobody was reading my blog so i stop writing but im back. Todays blog is going to be about somthing i have never every done i my life but i look in the mirror every morning a say to myself there is got to be a better way. I have alway put my all in to my work and it will always be that way so i no there is no bank thats going to give me the money i need to start doing something i love doing. Here i am asking people i do and don't no to help me get a business off the ground and not for just me it's also my family, people my say what is this guy doing asking people for money and why would i give im money. I no this is a crazy way to do this but if you look all around there are people asking for money all the time like wal mart,banks, restaurant,tv, and much more they may not be asking the way i am but they do get a lot of money from us when we eat are shop at there place of business. I going to try and build a website where you can donation and help me whit this new business all you need to do is click on the donation button and you name will be put up on the site so everyone that comes to my website will see that you where one of the people to hell get me started. Thanks you so much for coming by to check me out and i hope you have a nice day,night,week.

Tony Over&Out

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