Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Donation !

I'm going to start off by say HELLO now lets get down to business people are going to talk about me and people are going to say why should i give him money he need to get a job. No i don't have a job at this time because i am in portagul and on this island there not a lot of jobs here for me are other spouses so no im not working on a job but i am still work here at home and you can talk to the stay at home moms and they will tell you that being at home doing all the house work and taking care of kids is not ez (BIG UPS TO ALL THE STAY AT HOME MOMS) i no what its like now. The people that know me will tell you i worked my ass of when i was back state side and keep work beause i was a GO GETTER if you don't no what that mean it's when you stay on top of your work and alway have something to do none stop work. People say so what happen if you where such a GO GETTER well i from Mississippi and that's where i me and my wife met/got married, I had been staying there all my life so i new a lot of people and got a lot of work then me and my girlfriend/wife got married and she asked me if i would like to go overseas if she put in for it and at first i ways like man i got a lot of work here and she told me that we would just put back a lot of money and that way when 2013 got here i could start my business back up. That was something that i could do for my wife so i stop my business back home and overseas here we come, now we are here and i'm like man this is going to be hard not working and my wife can tell you i wanted to work but there where no job here for me.

Now here i am being a stay at home dad still to this day i wanted to be the one working but there was nothing i could do here, but id you no me i will find something to do no matter where i go so i got on the computer looking for thing to do to make money. There was a lot of people saying that they could help you make money online a lot of it was a lot of bull and if they could help you it was a loot of work which i didn't mine doing but if you read my blog you would no where i stand when it comes down to doing some of the money make websites it take a lot of reading. I knew that that would not work for me so off to find something that i could do i looked and looked and looked until i stop at this one thing that i knew this island didn't have and that was tasty treats some my wife came up whit the name TonyTastyTreats and you can see my website that i started TonyTastyTreats.com . At first i got no calls orders no nothing and i was like this is just not got to work so i prayed about it and about a week later i got a call and the customer wanted the chocolate caramel and pecan pretzels sticks right then i knew this was something i could to and if you read my CHEF UPDATES it will tell you all about what treats i have make here. Now we are having a baby and my wife is ready to get out after being in for 6 years so i've got to start back up and it's going to be hard in NJ because i no nothing about it. I have good ideas but i have no one to help me and we all know if you no somebady that no somebody then its a lot ezer to get help thanks for reading and have a good day,night,morning.

P.S So if you are asking why donation to me it's because i will all was work hard and you donation will not be played whit.

Tony Over&Out

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