Saturday, July 23, 2011

Building Something

Goodmorning readers im up having coffee and blogging today i wont to start by say thanks to the ones that read what i write and not talk about me cuz remember it could have been you. I'm goign to talk about building and you may ask building what and i say building what ever i can building to make me stand out from all others. When i was about 12-13 years old i worked up a plan and that plan was to start my on business cutting yards but did't have the money to by anything to cut whit so i asked my mom if i could use her lawn mower and she let me use it so i would walk around a see who needed they yard cut. It was a lot of people that let me cut they yards and so of them didn't have to money for me to cut there yard but you no what i did it anyway for free and i aways had 3-4 free yards i would do a week just to help the people out cuz i no how hard times was for them. My mom also had hard times but you no what i love her so much for keeping food on the table and for taking good care of me and my sister if we wanted something my mom found a way to get it for us. Lets get back to me and my building so here i was helping others when they needed my help which i had no problem doing thats why i think i am where i am today ( helping others makes me feel goog inside). Got a little sorry adout helping there was these two boys that stayed right behide me that became good friends of mine they both disabled and where in wheel chairs. They could not help themselves so they mom had to do a lot for them so i ask her when she needed my help i would be there for her and boy did she need me it was a lot of work on her. The next day i was at her house helping her do whatever she need and i did it just about every other day you my ask where are you going whit this just keep reading lol. There was hope here was something i could do to help and i liked doing what she asked me to do because i knew take i would take a lot of the work of her and before we moved to a new house one of the bothers passed away o man i cried and cried because that had became my friend and now he will not be here i still miss him, about 6-7 years later the other brother pass away and i say to you these two boys could not help the way God made them but thats how life is i miss them both.  Now i have been helping and thinking one bay i would love to have my owne business doing lawns just one day it will happen for me.

 Moveing time has come for me and i didn't want to move because i knew that i had to make new friends and that was something i did't want to do. New house new people so now i im staying in a new hood and it was a little bit nicer then my other hood and i started to like it. One day i had the opportunity to start a small-small lawn business because now that i have been help other so one wanted to help me get started. First thing i would need way business cards so he told me to come by his business and  he could be my first yard Yeesss now i have my owne it was called Antonio's Lawn Serves. From there he mad my company cards and i started working and getting more and more people calling for my serves, by word of mouth it was all over noi was getting calls that i could not do because at the time i had no truck to get all my tools around. I had to ask my mom if i could use here van that she had and man was this good this van would fit everything i got to put in it. After weeks and weeks of pushing a push mower its was getting hard cuz the yards where getting bigger and i seen what it was like to work hard in life. This is where im going to stop and i will be back on it sunday.

                         Tony  Over & Out !

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