Friday, July 22, 2011

Going Back

What's up readers today is a new day and im still talk lol I told you i would try writing every day. Im going to go back to my elementray school days going to Art was one of my favoriet the other was PE and i also played football / basketball and had a lot of fun. elementry is where it started but no one really didn't pick on people there because we where all young back then so we will move on to middle school where i had my first real girl friend and this is where people started talking about the SP people like me.  I plaed in the band the drums and was kind of good and from there i started playing buckets in my back yard and my neighbours where like can you play buckets at like 10:00 a.m are something because i would get up at about 7:00 a.m and they didn't like to here me playing that time of the morning lol. My one neighbour ask me one day if i wanted to go to church whit him one day and i had to ask my mom back then she was okay whit it so i went on to church whit him and the hold time i was there i had my eye on the drumer and every time he took me my eye was on the drumer.  Then one day after church i work my way up to the front and from the front to the drums and he would be the one that lock up the church so i had time to play around befor everyone was all going so i played and played and played. About 3 weeks passed and one day the drumer could not make it and he asked me if i could play good i told him yes but i know i could play as good to play for the church so i ask God to get me through this and he did. After that day i started playing every 2nd sunday so you can say i showed myself how to play and to this day im still played. This is the end im about to go pick my wife up from work thanks for reading me 

                                                                                  Tony Over and Out

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